Mindfulness with movement has been shown to be more effective than mindfulness alone.

Pamela Stokes
2 min readOct 1, 2020
Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

What is mindfulness?

There have been various definitions of mindfulness, but the one that I like includes three parts. The first part is awareness, our consciousness. The second part is the now. And the third part is recognizing the filters that are in our subconscious mind. If we can practice being aware in the now and then recognize that we have these filters (and avoid letting them get in the way), we are practicing mindfulness.

Why movement?

It has been shown that mindfulness with movement is more effective than mindfulness alone. Movement provides us with awareness — where our body is in space and how it feels. Movement allows us to be in the present moment, the now. And, it also allows us direct contact with our subconscious mind, the filters mentioned above. As Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s book title says, “The Body Keeps the Score”.

What are the benefits?

There are too many to name them all here, but here are my Top Five:

  • reduces stress (who doesn’t want that?)
  • reduces pain and tension (who doesn’t also want that?)
  • improves your body’s ability to heal (naturally, without chemicals)
  • reduces rumination (the thoughts in our head go ‘round and ‘round 🎶)
  • increases short-term memory (where are my keys?)

Why now?

2020-present has been challenging. It seems that anything that can go wrong, will, and has! Feels like the right time to discover a sense of comfort and ease in ourselves to help us handle our difficulties. And, to be in the present moment instead of worrying about things out of our control.

We may not have a choice about what happens in our life, but we can choose to create new possibilities for our responses. Mindfulness through movement is the easy solution.

Pamela Stokes, Creator and Founder, Move Into Resilience

Pamela Stokes, Creator and Founder of Move Into Coherence, has a podcast and YouTube channel of the same name to support her mission to help others find optimal wellbeing.



Pamela Stokes

Creator and Founder of Move Into Coherence, trauma-informed therapeutic movement and brain training. Podcast, YouTube, speaker, 1–1, trainer, and online courses